• The CableRunner technology comprises installation solutions for all kinds of existing urban infrastructure, for any pipe size and for every type of material.
  • Patented cable trays are the basis for any network constructed with the CableRunner technology. The cable trays can be equipped with any type of cable.
  • Depending on the size of the installation area, different solutions are applied. In accessible areas, CableRunner cable trays are installed manually. For non-accessible areas, CableRunner has developed robotic installation units that perform installation work.
  • The Cable trays have specifically been designed in a way that the sewer system is not affected. All cable trays easily withstand normal cleaning procedures and the smooth covers prevent flow material from getting caught.
  • The cable trays have been thoroughly examined by independent testing facilities to assure their longevity and durability.
  • To allow maximum flexibility, modular cable system tubes are utilized in most projects. Thus, fibers can be equipped, added or exchanged at any time and network expansions are simplified.
sanitary sewers
storm drains

Modular Cable System (MCS)

  • Modular cable system tubes are widely used throughout CableRunner projects as they provide total flexibility.
  • In the first step, a network of empty ducts is created. Whenever necessary, fibers are blown in directly from the splicing shaft right to the point of destination – without any further splicing necessary.
  • When network expansion is necessary, empty ducts can easily be connected, enabling an efficient reutilization of existing duct structure.
